January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!  It’s 2012! 

     A new day, a new month, and a new year have arrived!!  God provided for last year, and He’ll provide for this year.  I’m excited to see what He’ll do!  I’m anticipating that He’ll work more in Japan and the world this year!  I’m hoping that He’ll pour out His Spirit in this land, that His Will shall be done all across this nation!!
    2011 was a good year.  One full of new opportunities, new challenges, and new experiences.  One with laughs and tears.  One with fun and disappointments.  Through every up and down the Lord’s been there.  He’s provided, He’s comforted, He’s granted wisdom, He’s given direction, He’s been faithful!
     I hope that this next year surpasses the years thus far!  I pray that each of us will grow to know the Father more and will be drawn closer to Him this year, 2012!

God bless!

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