August 24, 2012

Walking in His Grace

    God has been talking to me lately about walking in the grace He has provided for each moment.  God has given grace for today, for right now, and He will grant the grace for each day of my life.  It's so easy to worry about days in the future or fret about how something will turn out, but God wants us to live in the grace He has provided.
    In Matthew 6:34, Paul writes the same concept.
 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. 
Today’s trouble is enough for today."

     Someone once said that worrying is imagining the future without God.  The truth is God is always with us and He will care for us and help us through the most difficult situation. Worry is truly a waste of time.  In Philippians chapter 4, Paul says:
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
 with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    In the New Living Translation verse 6 says:
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. 
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 

    Yesterday, we sent Kristi off to the airport to fly back to the Pennsylvania. Saying goodbye is generally hard for me, but I was really trying to walk in God's grace for each moment. At other times I have been so worried about how hard it would be to say goodbye or how lonely it would be without the person, that I have sometimes not enjoyed the entire last week they were home!  Every day I would think 'this might be the last time I'll do such-and-such with them'.  Well, I was determined to try really hard to trust God this time.  He promised that he would never leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).  He has promised to be there with me and to walk me through every day.  He has told me to trust Him, so this was a good way to practice.  A few times in the last two days that Kristi was here I caught myself thinking the old lies "It'll be so lonely", "It will be too hard", "It's going to be terrible... But each time I was able to remind myself, "No. Kristi is still here, so I should enjoy the time I have and when we must say goodbye God will give us grace." 

      Although I didn't do it perfectly, God was faithful.  The actual farewell was not nearly as hard as the enemy tried to get me to believe it would be.  Although I miss her, life still continues and is good even though Kristi is not here.  Learning to walk in God's grace for each moment is a big deal.  In that way we could be worry free and content, even when going through the most painful trial.  On a much smaller level, saying goodbye to Kristi was a step toward that goal. 
     I pray that we would all learn to walk more and more in His grace for every moment! 
God bless!



  1. Step by step, day by day. Enjoy this moment God's given you. Who said the quote???

  2. What spiritual maturity!!! However, I teared up....thanks!!!! lol Love you all bunches!!!! Sherry

  3. Wow! Thanks amazing you can put into words what I've kind of been struggling with!
